Frequently Asked Questions

Questions on Nutricharge DHA

1. What is Nutricharge DHA?

Nutricharge DHA is a food supplement.

2. How is Nutricharge DHA beneficial?

Nutricharge DHA helps in optimum development of brain (brain organ development) in the baby in foetus.

3. Does the complete development of baby’s brain happen in the mother’s womb only?

70% of development of baby’s brain happens in the mother’s womb.

4. Has there been any Clinical Research with respect to DHA?

Many countries like America, England, Italy, Denmark, etc have conducted research with respect to consumption of DHA by pregnant women. These researches have established that it is absolutely safe for pregnant women to consume DHA and it helps in optimum development of brain in babies.

5. What is the quantity of DHA in Nutricharge DHA?

According to Clinical Research, pregnant women need 400 mg of DHA daily. Each vegetarian soft capsule of Nutricharge DHA contains 400 mg of DHA.

6. Who should take Nutricharge DHA?

Nutricharge DHA should be taken by pregnant women.

7. How will a baby in the foetus receive DHA?

When a mother would consume Nutricharge DHA, DHA would reach the baby through placenta.

8. Apart from pregnant women, who else can consume Nutricharge DHA?

Lactating or nursing mothers should consume Nutricharge DHA.

9. From which month of pregnancy should Nutricharge DHA be consumed?

One should start consuming Nutricharge DHA since the start of pregnancy.

10. Can Nutricharge DHA be taken before conception of pregnancy?

Yes, one should start consuming Nutricharge DHA right at the time of planning of pregnancy to avoid loss of even a day.

11. What should be done in case two-three months of pregnancy have passed and one has not started consuming Nutricharge DHA?

You can start taking Nutricharge DHA from today. It will start benefiting the baby as soon as you start consuming it.

12. Till when should Nutricharge DHA be consumed?

Nutricharge DHA should be consumed throughout the period of pregnancy and throughout the period of lactation.

13. What time of the day should Nutricharge DHA be consumed?

Nutricharge DHA can be consumed at any time of the day.

14. How many Nutricharge DHA capsules need to be consumed in a day?

Only one capsule of Nutricharge DHA needs to be consumed daily.

15. Can the smell of Nutricharge DHA cause nausea in pregnant women?

Nutricharge DHA does not have any smell. It has a sweet smell of caramel which would be liked by all pregnant women.

16. Is doctor’s prescription required for Nutricharge DHA?

Nutricharge DHA is a food supplement. It does not require doctor’s prescription.

17. Can Nutricharge Woman tablet and Nutricharge Strawberry Prodiet be consumed along with Nutricharge DHA?

Yes, Nutricharge Woman tablet and Nutricharge Strawberry Prodiet can be consumed along with Nutricharge DHA.

18. What is the source of vegetarian DHA that has been put in Nutricharge DHA?

The vegetarian DHA that has been put in Nutricharge DHA has been sourced from sea plants.

19. How can the capsule of Nutricharge DHA be called vegetarian?

The veg soft capsule of Nutricharge DHA has been made from carrageenan which is vegetarian.

20. Is Nutricharge DHA safe for pregnant women?

Nutricharge DHA is absolutely safe for pregnant women. It has been made for them only.

21. How many capsules are there in one pack of Nutricharge DHA?

There are 30 capsules in each pack of Nutricharge DHA (2 strips of 15 capsules each) which will last the entire month.

Questions on Nutricharge Man

1. What is Nutricharge Man tablet?

Nutricharge Man is a comprehensive daily nutritional supplement that provides 35 vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants to help meet the daily nutritional needs of men, to keep them fit and healthy through a balanced nutrition.

2. Can Nutricharge Man tablet be consumed by Vegetarians?

Yes, since it does not contain any ingredients of animal (non-vegetarian) source.

3. What are the benefits of having Nutricharge Man tablet daily?

With a modern lifestyle, fast food, imbalanced diet and poor absorption, it is difficult to get all micronutrients in required quantities. Deficiency of these micronutrients can lead to loss of energy and stamina, poor immunity, weak muscles, bones and teeth etc. Nutricharge Man provides most vital nutrients in required quantity to prevent nutritional deficiencies, help to maintain function and structure of various organ systems and may be beneficial for cardiovascular health and in diabetes.

4. Does Nutricharge Man tablet have any side effects?

Nutricharge Man is usually well tolerated when taken after a meal in recommended doses in most persons. Rarely it may cause nausea, vomiting and abdominal discomfort.

5. I am a diabetic, can I consume Nutricharge Man?

Yes, you can consume Nutricharge Man as it is not harmful for a person with diabetes. Minerals like chromium, vanadium and zinc may be helpful in diabetes. Green tea extract may help burn fats, while vitamin A and other antioxidants may increase immunity and check eye damage. However if you are already taking vitamins-mineral supplements, do consult your Doctor.

6. Who should use this product?

Nutricharge Man can be consumed by boys above 14 years of age and all adult men.

7. When can I consume Nutricharge Man and how many tablets in a day?

Take 1 tablet of Nutricharge everyday after breakfast or lunch with a glass full of water.

8. Do I need a Doctor’s prescription before taking Nutricharge?

Being a dietary supplement, Nutricharge Man can be taken on your own, however if you feel the need, you may consult your Doctor.

9. Will I gain or lose weight if continued for some time?

Nutricharge Man being a nutritional supplement that works specifically for correcting dietary deficiencies only and does not increase weight. Green tea extract may help burn fats.

10. Is Nutricharge Man a medicine?

Nutricharge Man tablet is not a medicine. It is a Daily Nutrition Supplement with B complex factors, other vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

11. How long is it to be continued?

One tablet Nutricharge Man should be taken daily for a long period.

12. Will I be addicted if I continue taking Nutricharge Man for some time?

Nutricharge Man tablet is non habit forming and you can continue as per your choice but to derive maximum benefits it is advisable to take it for a long period.

13. Should I consult a doctor before taking Nutricharge Man?

As a daily health supplement Nutricharge Man tablet does not require a doctor’s prescription. Worldwide, health/ dietary supplements are sold without any prescription. People in India are also realizing the immense potential benefits of wellness products and Nutricharge Man is a high quality supplement.

14. Is any trial pack of Nutricharge Man available?

Nutricharge Man comes in a pack of 30 tablets for just Rs. 350/- and it lasts for one full month.

15. I am already on a specific diet plan. Can I still take Nutricharge?

Nutricharge Man may be beneficial if you are on a special diet or dieting as it provides valuable vitamins, minerals and amino acids which you may not get from your strict diet.

Questions on Nutricharge Woman

1. What are the benefits of taking Nutricharge woman tablet?

Nutricharge Woman tablet provides 53 beneficial nutrients for women, including phytonutrients from extracts of 14 rare fruits that promote women’s health to help keep them youthful. It also gives 6 specialty nutrients that may alleviate womens’ specific health problems at various stages of their life. Moreover it may help fulfil their daily needs with 33 key vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and amino-acids to keep them healthy.

2. Can Nutricharge woman tablet be taken by  vegetarians?

Yes, vegetarians can take it since Nutricharge Woman tablet does not contain any ingredients of animal (non-vegetarian) source.

3. Does Nutricharge woman have any side effects?

Nutricharge woman tablet is usually well tolerated when taken after meal in a daily dose of one tablet by most women. Rarely it may cause nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhoea or abdominal discomfort.

4. I am a diabetic. Can I consume Nutricharge woman tablet?

Nutricharge woman tablet is potentially beneficial for diabetics. Minerals like chromium and vanadium may improve sugar utilisation by body; Green tea extract may help burn fats, while vitamin A, Zinc and other antioxidant nutrients may increase immunity and check eye damage. You can also consult your doctor.

5. Who should use Nutricharge Woman tablet?

Nutricharge woman can be consumed daily by all girls and women above 14 years of age.

6. Do I need a doctor’s prescription for taking Nutricharge woman tablet ?

Being a health supplement Nutricharge woman tablet can be taken without a prescription, but if you feel the need, please consult your doctor.

7. Will I gain or lose weight if continue taking Nutricharge woman tablet for a long time?

As a health supplement, Nutricharge woman tablet may help correct dietary deficiencies to keep girls and women fit and may improve metabolism. It has no ingredient specifically to affect body weight. Green tea extract may help burn fats.

8. Is Nutricharge woman tablet a medicine?

Nutricharge woman tablet is not a medicine. It is a health supplement with potentially beneficial botanicals (phytonutrients), women friendly rare nutrients, minerals, amino acids, B-complex and other vitamins.

9. How long Nutricharge Woman tablet is it to be continued?

One tablet Nutricharge woman should be taken daily after breakfast or lunch with a glassful of water.

Questions on Nutricharge ProDiet

Q.1 – How long should one take Nutricharge Pro Diet ?

Both Adults and children need approx. 1g/kg of protein daily for growth, repair and maintenance of our body tissues. Nutricharge Prodiet being an excellent source of protein can be taken daily in recommended dose to help fill the gap in our protein nutrition. Even the U S Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) has confirmed that taking 25 grams of soya protein daily with a low fat diet protects against heart diseases.

Q.2 – If I take sufficient fruits, vegetables and cereals even then is it beneficial to take Nutricharge Pro Diet ?

Fruits, vegetables and cereals do provide us with some protein, but unless we eat a wide variety of pulses, nuts, cereals and dairy products in ample amounts daily, we may not get easily digestible complete protein with all essential amino acids in adequate quantities. Some of us also have trouble digesting vegetable proteins. Nutricharge Pro Diet provides high quality soya protein which is a source of easily digestible, heart friendly, complete protein and may be good for our overall health. We can get all the nine essential amino acids in balanced quantities from Nutricharge ProDiet.

Q.3 – I feel tired and exhausted quickly. Will Nutricharge Pro Diet help?

Protein deficiency weakens various organs, prevents tissue repair and maintenance and reduces immunity. Nutricharge Pro Diet provides hi-quality purified and processed soya protein which may help enhance physical strength and boost immunity. For getting all key minerals and vitamins adults should take one tablet of Nutricharge Man/ Woman also daily.

Q. 4 – Does Nutricharge Pro Diet have any side effect?

We should take protein in a balanced quantity only as a component of total nutrition. Nutricharge Pro Diet is well tolerated in recommended doses but taking excess amounts may cause flatulence (gas). Kidney patients should consult their doctor before taking Nutricharge Pro Diet. People suffering form Gout can not take Nutricharge Pro Diet.

Q. 5 – I am taking other medicines also, can I use Nutricharge Pro Diet with them?

Nutricharge Pro Diet being a health supplement can be taken even by people suffering from common diseases. However, Liver and kidney patients and other critical patients must consult their doctors.Gout patients can not take Nutricharge Pro Diet.

Q. 6 – I am a diabetic with heart problem, can I consume Nutricharge Pro Diet?

Nutricharge Pro Diet contains soya protein which may help in managing the blood sugar and also blood cholesterol. Moreover Nutricharge Pro Diet has no added sugar and fats. It also contains resistant maltodextrin (dietary fiber) which is beneficial in diabetics. However critical patients must take the advice of their doctor.

Q.7 – Can we give it to children and people of old age ?

Children and elderly can take Nutricharge Pro Diet. Growing children may get complete protein and all essential amino acids they need for their growth and physical development. Elderly can easily digest the complete protein from Nutricharge Pro Diet and may get healthier. Fiber in Nutricharge Pro Diet may also improve digestion.

Q.8 – What is the benefit in giving Nutricharge Pro Diet to pregnant women and lactating mothers?

Protein requirement of pregnant and lactating women is significantly raised. They can take Nutricharge Pro Diet only after consulting their doctor as it is an excellent supplement containing high quality protein besides iron, folic acid and calcium. Complete protein helps develop disease resistance in both mother and child and helps in proper growth of the baby.

Q.9 Can Nutricharge Pro Diet be taken by vegetarians?

Yes, vegetarians can take it since Nutricharge Pro Diet does not contain any ingredient of animal (non-vegetarian) source.

Q.10. How should i take Nutricharge Pro Diet and in what dose?

Adult men and women can take 2 measurefuls (20g each) of Nutricharge Prodiet, while children can take 1 measureful daily. Add Nutricharge Pro Diet powder to cold milk or water in a shaker or mixer. Also add sugar or sweetener to taste and shake. Then add adequate quantity of milk and water to drink the mixture.

Questions on Nutricharge S & F

Q.1 – What is Nutricharge S & F?

Nutricharge S & F is a nutritional supplement that is effective is reducing body fat.

Q.2 – Why should I consume Nutricharge S & F when I have a fit body?

A normal body also has body fat which can be known only with the help of a body scanner. Please get yourself checked on a body scanner. One should start consuming Nutricharge S & F if the body fat is more than 25% in men and more than 30% in women.

Q.3 – Why is important to safeguard muscles during the process of weight loss?

Because loss of muscles leads to weakness.

Q.4 – Nutricharge S & F is very expensive?

Please understand the value for money that it offers. Excess of body fat can lead to serious ailments in future like heart problem, diabetes, knee pain, etc. Treatment of these ailments runs in lakhs. If you would reduce your body fat with the help of Nutricharge S & F, you would not only save yourself from these fatal ailments but also from the huge expenditure on them.

Q.5 – Can Nutricharge Prodiet be consumed with Nutricharge S & F?

Nutricharge S & F should be taken in place of dinner. It is extremely beneficial to consume either Nutricharge Man and Nutricharge Prodiet or Nutricharge Woman and Nutricharge Strawberry Prodiet every morning.

Q.6 – What time of the day should Nutricharge S & F be consumed?

Nutricharge S & F is a “meal replacement” product. It should be consumed in place of dinner.

Q.7 – How long should Nutricharge S & F be consumed?

Nutricharge S & F should be consumed till such time when the body scanner shows body fat less than 20% in men and 25% in women.

Q.8 – How does Nutricharge S & F help is reduction of our body fat?

The fat reducing elements present in Nutricharge S & F help in reduction of our body fat.

Q.9 – How is Nutricharge S & F better than other weight loss products available in the market?

Nutricharge S & F contains fat reducing elements and best quality protein.

Q.10 – Why has protein been put in Nutricharge S & F?

The protein present in Nutricharge S & F saves muscles and prevents deposition of new fat in the body.

Q.11 – How many and which fat reducing element have been put in Nutricharge S & F?

There are three fat reducing elements in Nutricharge S & F. They are: Garcinia cambogia, CLA and Green coffee bean extract.

Q.12 – What is special about the Green coffee bean extract that has been put in Nutricharge S & F?

The Green coffee bean used in Nutricharge S & F has Svetol and it is clinically proven.

Q.13 – How does Green coffee bean extract help in reduction of body fat?

It reduces the already deposited fat in the body.

Q.14 – I will not get to sleep if I consume green coffee bean extract at night.

The green coffee bean extract put in Nutricharge S & F is decaffeinated. This will not lead to any loss of sleep at night.

Q.15 – Which CLA has been put in Nutricharge S & F?

Tonalin CLA (from Italy) has been put in Nutricharge S & F.

Q.16 – Is this CLA clinically proven?

Yes, this CLA has been clinically proven for reducing body fat.

Q.17 – How does CLA help in reducing body fat?

CLA reduces the number of fat cells in the body. It also reduces the fat deposited in these cells.

Q.18 – How does Garcinia Cambogia help in reducing body fat?

Garcinia Camobigia reduces the old deposited fat and stops the new fat from getting deposited in the body.

Q.19 – What is the significance of Nutricharge S & F being clinically proven?

It means that the ethical committee of government recognized experts has certified that this product has been scientifically proven to reduce body fat. It also proves that this product is absolutely safe to use.

Q.20 – How many types of protein are there in Nutricharge S & F?

Nutricharge S & F has Isolated Soya Protein and Whey Protein.

Q.21 – How much protein is there in every sachet?

Every sachet has 15 gm of protein.

Q.22 – Where has this protein sourced from?

This protein has been sourced from Dupont, America.

Q.23 – Should diet be taken care of while taking Nutricharge S & F?

One should not eat food at night while taking Nutricharge S & F. Food with 1500 calories should be consumed during the entire day and one should refrain from eating fatty food. You can follow the diet plan given in the Nutrition Science book.

Q.24 – Is it essential to exercise while taking Nutricharge S & F?

Yes, it is essential to exercise (walking 6000 steps and climbing 250 stairs) while taking Nutricharge S & F.

Q.25 – Can Nutricharge S & F be taken if a person is diabetic?

If a person is diabetic, then first, please get his diabetes under control with the help of Nutrichage Glycem tablet, Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet and medicine given by the doctor. After that, please suggest Nutricharge S & F to reduce his body fat.

Q.26 – At what age can the consumption of Nutricharge S & F be started?

Consumption of Nutricharge S & F can be started from the age of 14 years.

Q.27 – What should be done if one feels hungry at night after taking Nutricharge S & F?

Salad or soup can be had if one feels hungry at night after taking Nutricharge S & F.

Questions on Nutricharge BJ

Q.1 – What is Nutricharge BJ?

Nutricharge BJ is a health supplement for bones and joints. It has been specially made for knee joints.

Q.2 – Is Nutricharge BJ a medicine?

Nutricharge BJ is not a medicine. It is a food supplement.

Q.3 – Who should consume Nutricharge BJ?

Those who feel pain in their knee joints should immediately start consuming Nurticharge BJ.

Q.4 – Can Nutricharge BJ be used for pain in other joints and for their strengthening?

Knee joints are the most important joints because they bear the weight of our entire body. Hence, it is of foremost importance to take care of these joints. Nonetheless, Nutricharge BJ can improve the health of other joints.

Q.5 – Nutricharge BJ is very expensive?

Please understand the value for money that it offers. The cost of knee replacement surgery runs in lakhs. You can save yourself from such a big expenditure in future if you start consuming Nutricharge BJ now.

Q.6 – Is it necessary to take Nutricharge BJ tablet and sachet together?

The scientific formula of Nutricharge BJ has been formulated in such a way that some nutrients have been put in the tablet and some nutrients have been put in the sachet. Those nutrients that could not be put in effective quantity in the tablet have been put in the sachet. Tablet contains such nutrients which could not have been put in the powder due to their bitter taste. Hence, Nutricharge BJ tablet and sachet should be consumed together for optimum efficacy.
Some nutrients have been put in the tablet. To ensure their better absorption, other nutrients have been put in the sachet. For example, calcium has been put in the sachet for better absorption of Vitamin K27 which has been put in the tablet. Thus, it is necessary to consume the sachet and tablet together.

Q.7 – How long should Nutricharge BJ be consumed?

Usually, Nutricharge BJ shows its effect in a month. But for better relief, it should be consumed for atleast 3 months. The time to get relief can vary from person to person based on the condition of his/her knee joint. There is no harm in consuming Nutricharge BJ for prolonged period of time.

Q.8 – What time of the day should Nutricharge BJ be consumed?

Nutricharge BJ should be consumed in the evening. If it is not convenient to take in the evening, then the consumer can decide his time according to his convenience. But please ensure that it is taken at the same time every day.

Q.9 – How should Nutricharge BJ be consumed?

The powder from the sachet should be dissolved in a glass of water. The tablet should be taken along with it.

Q.10 – Is there a possibility of any side effect of Nutricharge BJ?

Nutricharge BJ can lead to defecation for few days.

Q.11 – Where would you find those people who would benefit from Nutricharge BJ?

You would find such people wherever there would be a staircase. Nutricharge BJ is beneficial for those who feel pain and discomfort during climbing stairs.

Q.12 – How is Glucosamine Hydrochloride better than Glucosamine Sulphate?

Glucosamine Hydrochloride is 99% pure as compared to 74% purity of Glucosamine Sulphate. 750 mg of Glucosamine Hydrochloride is equal to 1304 mg of Glucosamine Sulphate. Many products available in the market contain Glucosamine extracted from the bones of fish. The Glucosamine Hydrochloride that has been put in Nutricharge BJ is completely vegetarian.

Q.13 – How is the milk calcium that has been put in Nutricharge BJ better than any other calcium?

Milk calcium gets better absorbed than any other calcium. Milk calcium has bone strengthening minerals. Such minerals are not present in any other calcium.

Q.14 – Why has magnesium been put in Nutricharge BJ?

Sufficient amount of magnesium is required for absorption of calcium from our food. Magnesium is also required for strengthening of bones through deposition of calcium in bones. Magnesium is called “Miracle Mineral” owing to its numerous benefits.

Q.15 – What is the RDA of magnesium? How much magnesium does Nutricharge BJ have?

The RDA of elemental magnesium for men and women is 300 mg. This entire amount of 300 mg of elemental magnesium has been put in Nutricharge BJ.

Q.16 – What is Inulin and why has it been put in Nutricharge BJ?

Inulin is a natural soluble fibre which helps in upkeep of bones by increasing the absorption of calcium. Inulin can also help in deposition of minerals in bones.

Q.17 – Why has rosehip extract been put in Nutricharge BJ?

Rosehip extract increases the flexibility and mobility of knee joints.

Q.18 – How is Vitamin K27 beneficial for knee joints?

Vitamin K27 strengthens the bones by deposition of calcium.

Q.19 – How much Vitamin K27 does Nutricharge BJ have?

There is 55 micro gram of Vitamin K27 in every tablet of Nutricharge BJ.

Q.20 – Why has Vitamin D been put in Nutricharge BJ?

Vitamin D increases the absorption of bone strengthening calcium in the intenstine. It can also stop the damage of cartilage.

Q.21 – What is the flavour of Nutricharge BJ?

Pure cardamom has been put in Nutricharge BJ which gives it a lovely flavour and taste.

Q.22 – Is it advisable to consume pain killers in order to get rid of the pain in knee joints?

Pain killers give temporary relief. For permanent relief, you will have to strengthen your joints, strengthen your bones and increase the amount of fluid in knees.

Q.23 – What is the significance of Nutricharge BJ being clinically proven?

It means that the ethical committee of government recognized experts has certified that this product has been scientifically proven to resurrect the health of knee joints. It also proves that this product is absolutely safe to use.

Q.24 – What should be done if a customer does not have money to buy Nutricharge BJ?

Please do not sell forcefully if the customer does not have money to buy Nutricharge BJ. The customer will not be relieved of his knee pain if he does not take complete course of Nutricharge BJ. One negative customer would turn other customers negative.

Q.25 – Can Nutricharge BJ be given with guarantee of relief?

Yes, for sure. Please use Nutricharge BJ for your household. Make a testimonial of other satisfied customers. In this manner, you yourself will become a guarantee for Nutricharge BJ.

Questions on Nutricharge Kids

Q.1 – For what age group we can give Nutricharge Kids?

Nutricharge Kids is for a age range of 2 to 12

Q.2 – What are the major benefits of Nutricharge Kids?

Nutricharge Kids as the name suggests helps in overall and brain development, increases immunity and gives strength

Q.3 – When should we give Nutricharge Kids?

Nutricharge Kids should be given in the morning after breakfast

Questions on Nutricharge Glycem Tablet and Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet

Q.1 – What is Nutricharge Glycem Tablet and Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet?

Nutricharge Glycem Tablet and Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet is a nutritional supplement aimed at lowering the blood sugar level of pre-diabetic people. It is one of its kind supplement in the world.

Q.2 – Is Nutricharge Glycem Tablet and Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet a medicine?

Nutricharge Glycem Tablet and Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet is not a medicine. It is a food supplement.

Q.3 – Who should take Nutricharge Glycem Tablet and Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet?

Pre-diabetic people should take Nutricharge Glycem Tablet and Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet.

Q.4 – How would one know if a person is pre-diabetic?

One can know if a person is pre-diabetic by getting his blood sugar level checked with the help of a Glucometer. A person is pre-diabetic if his blood sugar level is between 140 mg/dl and 200 mg/dl.

Q.5 – What should be done if a person’s blood sugar level is less than 140 mg/dl?

First, please congratulate that person on being healthy. Then, suggest him to take Nutricharge PVMF breakfast everyday.

Q.6 – Are there any symptoms of pre-diabetes?

Usually, there are no symptoms of pre-diabetes.

Q.7 – Can Pre-diabetes lead to any harm?

Pre-diabetes can turn into diabetes in absence of proper care. This can damage the eyes, kidneys, heart and brain.

Q.8 – How frequently should a pre-diabetic person get his blood sugar level checked?

A pre-diabetic person must get his blood sugar level checked once every month.

Q.9 – Why has protein been put in Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet?

Because protein prevents rapid rise in the blood sugar level and saves loss of muscles.

So that one gets optimum nutrition through protein and does not feel weak.

Q.10 – Why have herbs been put in Nutricharge Glycem Tablet and Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet?

Because they prevent absorption of blood sugar in intenstine. They also save from the ill-effects of rising blood sugar.

Q.11 – What are the characteristics of the herbs used in Nutricharge Glycem Tablet and Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet?

All the herbs are of best quality.

Q.12 – Why has cinnamon been put in Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet?

Cinnamon helps in controlling the level of blood sugar and cholesterol.

Q.13 – Does cinnamon help in control of cholesterol?

Yes, cinnamon helps in control of cholesterol.

Q.14 – Nutricharge Glycem Tablet and Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet is very expensive?

Please understand the value for money that it offers. If a pre-diabetic person does not control his blood sugar level, he would soon become a diabetic. A diabetic person is prone to many other ailments like hypertension, heart problem, etc. The cost of Nutricharge Glycem Tablet and Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet is neglibile compared to the lakhs of rupees required for the treatment of all these ailments.
The cost of Nutricharge Prodiet or Nutricharge Strawberry Prodiet is included in the cost of Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet. You get sweetner sachets free along with Nutricharge Glycem Tablet and Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet. It contains best quality of herbs and nutrients. It is impossible to get so much in such low price.

Q.15 – How is Nutricharge Glycem better than any other product available in the market?

Nutricharge Glycem is a nutritional supplement specially formulated for pre-diabetic people. It has 12 natural herbs, protein, dietary fibre, cinnamon and many other nutrients for better management of blood sugar. No other product in the market has such good quality herbs and nutrients.

Q.16 – At what time should Nutricharge Glycem tablet and Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet be taken?

Nutricharge Glycem tablet should be chewed empty stomach every morning. Mix one scoop of Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet in one glass of low fat milk along with one sachet of sweetner provided. Have this shake along with the Nutricharge Glycem tablet.

Q.17 – How long should Nutricharge Glycem Tablet and Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet be taken?

Nutricharge Glycem tablet and Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet should be taken till the blood sugar level becomes normal i.e. falls below 140 mg/dl. We would recommend you continue to take them even after attaining normal blood sugar level so that it does not shoot up again.

Q.18 – In how much time can one hope to attain normal level of blood sugar with the help of Nutricharge Glycem tablet and Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet?

Normally, blood sugar level falls by 20 mg/dl in one month. The fall in the blood sugar level of a person would depend upon his regularity of consuming Nutricharge Glycem, his diet and his physical activities.

Q.19 – Can Nutricharge Glycem tablet and Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet be given to diabetic people?

Yes, Nutricharge Glycem tablet and Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet can be given to diabetic people. This will increase their stamina and make them feel better. But please ensure that they keep taking their diabetes medicine.

Q.20 – If the condition of pre-diabetes can be improved only with Nutricharge Glycem tablet, then what is the need of consuming Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet?

Nutricharge Glycem tablet and Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet has different nutrients which help in controlling the level of blood sugar in different manner. Hence, it is essential to consume both of them together for optimum result.

Q.21 – Can Nutricharge Man tablet or Nutricharge Woman tablet be consumed along with Nutricharge Glycem tablet and Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet?

Yes, it can be given.

Q.22 – Is is essential to take Nutricharge Prodiet or Nutricharge Strawberry Prodiet along with Nutricharge Glycem tablet and Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet?

It is not necessary to take Nutricharge Prodiet or Nutricharge Strawberry Prodiet along with Nutricharge Glycem tablet and Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet.

Q.23 – Is there anything else to be taken care of while taking Nutricharge Glycem tablet and Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet?

It is essential to eat a sugarless balanced diet and exercise (walking 6000 steps and climbing 250 stairs) along with taking Nutricharge Glycem tablet and Nutricharge Glycem Prodiet.